Friday, July 17, 2015

Grow It to Eat It

 Presented by Sallie Lee, Extension Agent
 with the Alabama Cooperative Extension Service
 Thursday, August 13th at 10 a.m.

Think you can't grow your own food? Something healthy,
fresh from your garden? "Grow It to Eat It" demonstrates
how anyone with space for a decent sized pot and
several hours of sunshine can grow vegetables,
salad greens, small fruit trees, or herbs for seasoning.
The program combines tips for container gardening with
harvesting and eating your own tomatoes, spinach,
collards, strawberries, squash,and even figs. Join in,
share recipes for a simple, nutritious meal provided by - you!

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Biodiversity of the Cahaba River

Please join us on Thursday, July 9th at 10 a.m. for "Biodiversity of the Cahaba River," presented by Randall Haddock, Biologist and Field Director with the Cahaba River Society. The Cahaba River is well known as a biological refuge for the rich aquatic wildlife that was once widespread in the Southeast. Using a PowerPoint presentation, Dr. Haddock will show a sampling of the interesting wildlife, including freshwater snails, mussels, crayfish, fishes, turtles and other oddities.